Proud Villa Escape for Android
When inventory goes offscreen, can't scroll it back.
Had the same problem - when inventory goes offscreen,it disappears - can you fix??
Another game already released by another developer!! Why is this? Is this joy arrows under a different name? This makes four out of four that I've installed and already played before. I will not support a developer "borrowing" games from another developer.
Whats the prob here, i collect all the bits then they disappear. Happening on a few of ur games. Please fix
When inventory goes offscreen, can't scroll it back.
Cannot retrieve inventory
Inventory disappeared
Inventory disappeared
Inventory scrolls off screen and can't get it back
excellent, good game , thanks so much.
Awful!!! All the clues picked up disappeared!
Disappearing inventory... Boo!!!
by W####:
Whats the prob here, i collect all the bits then they disappear. Happening on a few of ur games. Please fix