VS500 for Android
Tell me what how to find device port?
Does not work on phone when mi leave home.
The best
Installation was OK! but cant view as my phone screen gone blank. Oh..help pls!
NEEDS QUAD VIEW! Really easy to use and setup. However this would be given a higher rating if there was a quad view option rather than just 1 camera at a time. It would also be good to have remote playback feature as other apps such as Smarteyes have got. Also always crashes on exit and comes up with error report. Running on Samsung note 2 N7105.
It a viable for iPhone
Crashes constantly
Its good
Like it
NEEDS QUAD VIEW! Really easy to use and setup. However this would be given a higher rating if there was a quad view option rather than just 1 camera at a time. Also always crashes on exit and comes up with error report. Running on Samsung note 2 N7105.
Very helpful
I can use it view at home wifi but not on 3g. not sure what is wrong.
NEEDS QUAD VIEW! Really easy to use and setup. However this would be given a higher rating if there was a quad view option rather than just 1 camera at a time. Also takes nearly 8 seconds to close sometimes.
... which superceeds the version that shipped with my DVR. Haven't tested pan/tilt/zoom/tour, but am saving up for suitable camera!
I'll repeat what others have said.- if it had quad view it would be 5 *
Can you add quad screen, I give 5 star for that
work great on my galaxy s2. have no
Integrates with my DVR perfectly! If you want to view your cameras on 3G, you will have to port forward it. Then on the app you'll need to key in your WAN IP.
Slightly laggy on closing but minor issue
Not play
Works well on HTC Tony
Improved speed
People want Quad view! So, work on it.
Just needs quad camera otherwise awesome!
above average
by R####:
why is this the only app that works for my cctv? This really needs an update ASAP as the picture quality as awful