About SOHO Viewer
Это простое приложение позволяет следить за солнечной активностью в диапазонах 171 нм, 195 нм, 284 нм, 304 нм. Ссылкой на фото можно поделиться с друзьями или установить фото как космические обои на телефоне. This simple application allows you to monitor solar activity in the range of 171 nm, 195 nm, 284 nm, 304 nm. Link to photo to share with friends, or set as space photo wallpaper on your phone.
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SOHO Viewer version 1.2 on your
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Downloaded 1,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package:
ya.soho.viewer, download SOHO Viewer.apk
by Q####:
Love this app!! I catch ufos all the time, its crazy how easily u can see a craft pull up to our sun and they always seem to pull energy from the sun, some of them even extend a tentacle like hose or vaccum and u can see it attach to the sun and suck out energy, then it retracts and flys away. See for yourself guys no BS i swear on my kids lives its the truth!!