WeSayApp - share, meet, chat for Android
Aplikasi medsos model baru nih. Lumayan seru jg. Sayang masih sepi sih. Tapi asli asik kok. Rekomended buat dicoba. :D
Aplikasinya keren, jadi bisa ngepost sesuatu tanpa ktahuan. Idenya kreatif. Salut
Love it! It's simple yet it can brings a new way of communication while also let us to express ourselves!
Simple and fun! I like it a lot... :)
Suka deh. Bisa posting2 pake gambar. Dan bisa edit teksnya sesuka hati. Menyenangkan bgt nih, cara baru bersosialisasi. Rekomended. :D
I like it that the posts are fun and more light heartered, and it is easy to get around.
aplikasinya simpel tp asik juga nih ternyata. rekomended deh.
by V####:
Simple and fun! I like it a lot... :)