About Nedate
The fastest and prettiest way to shorten URLs and get their click analytics.
Shorten long URLs and squeeze them into fewer characters to make links easier to share, tweet, or email to friends.
Access analytics of any short URL, including the raw click counts and their distribution across referrers, browsers, platforms, and geographical locations.
The app also lets you
• Shorten URLs and share them quickly
• Access your history - always synced with goo.gl
• Get colorful analytics reports of any short URL, not just yours
• Shorten links through "share" in any app and get rich notifications
• Star your favorites
• Password protection, you can see the landing page only password
• Generate and share QR codes
• Create lists of URLs to be made public or private
• You have the following languages (Inglese - Português - Deutsch - Italian - Thai - Pусский - Francais - Español)