About Unit Converter - Unity ²
Unity is an application that allows the conversion of most of the SI, US & UK units for use in the engineering calculations (i.e. no currency conversion).
Instead of wasting time trying to find in which subcategory is the unit you are looking for, just type it on the dedicated field. This makes it the fastest converter i ever seen. Try to convert a density, a temperature, a flow, and again a density. With a conventional converter , you spend your time finding the subcategory, and then to select the units (more the converter has units, more you are loosing time...). With Unity, you enter the units yourself. Easy as that. After, once a conversion has been made, it is available on the log for further use... simple...
Features include:
- Simple use and unlimited units combinations (with / or . or exponent 2,3,4..),
- Unit auto-completion,
- +-/*() operations allowed in value to convert
- Adjustable precision of result,
- Report log of previous unit conversions,
- Re-use of past unit conversions,
- Own units creation/removal or customization (on + version),
- Consistency check of unit conversion,
- Provides dimensional analysis of the units,
- Ads free.
Example1, viscosity: type the input value, the original unit N.s/m2 or (kg/m.s) and the final unit lbf.s/ft2, then select OK or click on result field.
In Value field, calculus (+-/*) and scientific notation are allowed
Example2, 20+(17-3)/2 lb/min= 348 g/s
Example3, 15e-3 kg= 0.529 oz
Brackets are not allowed in From/To unit fields, i.e kJ/(kg.C) should be written kJ/kg/C
Example4, 1 kJ/kg/c=0.23885 btu/lb/f
Unity is based on the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) publications and the National Institute of Standards and Technology documents: NIST SP 811. The factors have been entered as they are defined in these documents (same digits and accuracy).
SD card access is required to store the Unit database (+version) and the result log.
These txt files are saved in sdcard/Unity/ directory. You can modify the log yourself to enter your prefered conversion. You can lock the log to keep these conversion always available (menu->Configuration).
Although I have carefully checked the values given, it is quite possible that some errors remain.
I will appreciate learning any corrections or improvement that should be made
Thanks to maarten pennings for the keyboard (have a look to www.fampennings.nl/maarten/android/)
Metrics / Imperial / USCS units conversion