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모아제일교회,모아교회,모아,모아리,모아1리,천북면,경주,예장,예장통합,통합,한예수교장로회,교회,기독교,기독,CTS,인터넷방송,방송,이우근,이우근목사,이진석,정규영,이주형,이종수,이규익,문흥국,김성은, 김성목,예배,성경,찬양,찬송,기도 moajeil church, moa church, moa, mo-a, cheonbuk,Gyeongju,Kyeongju,church,CTS,christ,christian,internet broadcast,prayer,praise,bible,Lee woogeun,woogeun,pastor,Kim Seongmok,Protestantism,sermon,tv
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02-6333-1000 Gyeongju cheonbukmyeon 1 Liege material collected and yiwoogeun smartphone app pastor of the First Church gathered to serve. Gather offers a variety of sermon videos and content of the First Church of church events.
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모아제일교회,모아교회,모아,모아리,모아1리,천북면,경주,예장,예장통합,통합,한예수교장로회,교회,기독교,기독,CTS,인터넷방송,방송,이우근,이우근목사,이진석,정규영,이주형,이종수,이규익,문흥국,김성은, Gimseongmok, worship, scripture, worship, praise, prayer moajeil church, moa church, moa, mo-a, cheonbuk, Gyeongju, Kyeongju, church, CTS, christ, christian, internet broadcast, prayer, praise, bible, Lee woogeun, woogeun , pastor, Kim Seongmok, Protestantism, sermon, tv