About Marina Directory
Detailed marina information is given for the east coast of the United States for over 1,300 marinas from the Chesapeake Bay to Boston.
Please go to the following website to view a complete list of all marinas. http://boatingtripplanner.com/list_all_marines.php
Each marina displays the following information:
• Full address, phone number, location on map, latitude and longitude coordinates, VHF channel, and website (if available)
• Dockage: Number of slips, moorings, transient slips/moorings, max LOA, approach depth, dockside depth
• Hooks ups: Water, power voltage, power amps
• Fuel: Gas, diesel, brand
• Supplies: Marine store, groceries, ice
• Amenities: Restrooms, showers, laundry, pump-out, pool, tennis, Internet, restaurant, snack-bar, and credit cards accepted