サイコパス診断 犯罪者の心理 for Android
人体・動物・植物 サイコパス診断 皆さんは「サイコパス」という言葉はご存知でしょうか?
サイコパスって何? サイコパスは他者に愛着を持ち辛く、良心(不安感)に乏しく、加えて攻撃的(反社会的)な人物であるとされる。これは先天(器質)的な脳障害で、異常なほど強力な防衛機制(不安に対処する能力)が働くので不可抗力とされるが、後者の反社会性は後天的な要因であるため強化(矯正)可能とされる。
The word "psychopath" Do you know the human body, animals, and plant diagnostic psychopaths everyone?
What is a psychopath? Spicy have affection for others, poor conscience (sense of insecurity), psychopaths is to be a person aggressive (antisocial) in addition. This is a force majeure in the brain disorder congenital an (organic) basis, (the ability to deal with anxiety) powerful defense mechanism unusually so work, but because anti-social of the latter is an acquired factor enhancement ( is a correction) possible.
You are a woman. Funeral was held husband died.
The young priest that came to the funeral, you I have a love at first sight.
After a few days, you will be killing their own children.
Well, it would be why?
In this app, I have prepared a test (sociopath) received psychopaths.
You might even psychopaths After selecting the answer the same as psychopaths, maybe. . .
■ How to use
Press the start, please answer the 15 questions.
And without thinking too deeply, please answer intuition.
■ and psychopaths
Called (Psychopath) psychopaths in English psychopath.
It is described as "one. Personality disorder that personality depart, himself worry about or annoy society for its" According to the Daijirin of Sanseido.
■ information source
Internet bulletin board
The description: as an psych student it pains me to see how little people know of what a true psychopath is. Other than that it's so/so. Pretty fun at first.
by K####:
The description: as an psych student it pains me to see how little people know of what a true psychopath is. Other than that it's so/so. Pretty fun at first.