A型診断~血液型診断~取扱い説明書 for Android
◇ 温厚篤実、品行方正で、万事つけて入念にことを処理し、細心で用心深いです。
◇ プライドが高く、信義と名誉を重んじ、見栄っ張りなところがあります。
◇ 内向性人間で、温厚、平和主義、漸進主義的で、判断力は豊かです。
◇ 保守的、常識的、集団的、原則的、主流的で、思い切りが悪く、地位や名誉にこだわります。
◇ 案外欲は深く、しぶとく慎重で、堅物で融通性に欠けやすいです。
◇ 約束を守りますが、要領は良くなく、神経は繊細です。
◇ 目下の教育が厳しいかやや陰険ぎみか、かわったことをしないし、ヘンな人物を好まない。
◇ 穏やかで落ち着いた雰囲気がありますが、意外にガメツイです。
◇ 堅実で確実性を狙うか、何ごとも分別よく、管理業務などに能力を発揮します。
◇ 温厚でリーダーシップがありますが、保守的性向が強く、頑固に古風を貫きます。
◇ 温和で落ち着きがあり、道理を重んじ僥倖を求めないです。
◇ 抗争を好まず、協調性に富みますが、名誉を重んじ、権勢欲が旺盛です。
◇ 自他の肩書きを意識する。
◇ 表面はやわらかいですが、内心は意外に頑固です。
◇ 自尊心を傷つけられると大いに立腹します。
◇ 動より静を好み、深謀遠慮型で、何ごとにも根気よく対処します。
◇ 部下にたいし愛情が深く、統率力や指導性にすぐれています。
◇ 保守・封建主義的で、そのうえ気が弱く内気で意外に細かいです。
◇ かたくなで、なんでも中途半端を嫌います。
◇ 常識的で外見にこだわり、しぶとく慎重です。
◇ 堅物で融通性に劣り、執着心が強く、集団的です。
◇ 陰気なタイプが多い傾向があります。
◇ 割り切りが悪いうえに、要領が悪いです。ただ約束などはきちっと守ります。
Do not be mistaken for blood type different from people well?
A type is a degree of diagnostic app to answer questions 30, to know you is whether the people like A-type how much ☆
Please select that I felt without thinking deeply.
I can see how you are what is seen from the people!
Not a fortune-telling, blood type personality diagnosis is the data that has been analyzed by temperament.
Temperament of the original born with, so we have in common, it will be helpful to determine the personality.
§ This is it! nature of ★ A-type human
◇ Atsumi mild-mannered, well-behaved in, process it carefully it with everything, it is cautious meticulous.
◇ pride is high, and respecting the honor and good faith, there is a place that is pretentious.
◇ In introversion man, mild-mannered, pacifism, a gradualism, the judgment is rich.
◇ conservative, common-sense, collective, principle, a mainstream basis, with all one's might is poor, I will stick to the honor and status.
◇ greed deeply unexpectedly, a persistently careful, it is easy to lack of flexibility in stiff.
◇ Protect your promise, not good guideline, nerve is delicate.
◇ or sly Gimme a little education of currently or severe, is not that it has changed, and I do not like the person strange.
◇ There is a relaxed atmosphere calm, but it is greedy unexpectedly.
◇ Do aim for certainty a solid, sensibly, I show the ability to manage business and nothing for each.
◇ There is leadership in the mild-mannered, but conservative tendency is strong, I will pierce the stubbornly old-fashioned.
◇ is calm in the mild, I do not ask for my good fortune deference to reason.
◇ do not like conflict, and rich in coordination, but deference to honor, lust for power is strong.
◇ I be aware of the title of oneself and others.
◇ surface is soft, but the mind is unexpectedly stubborn.
◇ You offended greatly and damaged self-esteem.
◇ I prefer static than dynamic, in the far sight and deep design type, and then respond patiently to what each.
◇ deep affection for the people, I have excellent leadership and leadership.
◇ The conservative-feudal, besides it is surprisingly fine mind weak and shy.
◇ and a stubborn, you hate anything halfway.
◇ I am particular appearance is common sense, it is persistently carefully.
◇ have poor flexibility in stiff, obsession is strong, it is collective.
◇ tend dismal type in many cases.
◇ divisible on top is bad, way is bad. I just protect Kichitto such promise.
not so good
by C####: