About Sensible Debate
Sensible debate is the site where you can exchange views and information on a wide variety of topics.
Your views will be challenged, discussed, and may even be changed by good honest debate.
That is what the site aims to provide – a platform for the genuine exchange of ideas.
If you want pictures of someone’s meal or their favourite pet, then this is not for you.
Such debate need not always be serious – there is always a place for humour.
So, if you think you can contribute to a genuine debate then download the app now
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Sensible Debate version 1.10 on your
Android device!
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Android package:
uk.co.wizardstudios.sensibledebate, download Sensible Debate.apk
by K####:
A new debate platform having migrated from 10,000 members on Facebook, and now finding it's feet on the interweb. Android and IOS apps recently added, and working well.