About 大臺中醫師公會
34年至39年間,本會設於彰化縣員林鎮,直到卅九年中央政府全省劃分21縣市,本會於卅九年十二月按新轄區重新成立臺中縣醫師公會。九十九年十二月二十五日起台中縣市合併升格為直轄市,於一○二年三月二十四日召開第22屆第3次會員代表大會決議通過更名為「臺中市大臺中醫師公會會」。本會成立迄今,共歷十五位理事長,在各屆理事長及理監事領導之下,均以宣揚醫道,發展醫學與醫術,協助推行公共衛生,增進社會福祉以及增進會員之親睦暨福利為宗旨。 Taichung City, Taichung Medical Association provides medical units to provide service personnel APP platform, and the general public understand the new knowledge and new medical news medical activities such as lectures message, you can sign up for the online and on-line seminars and other activities provide important medical information, journal, activity records and other information services.
34 years to 39 years, this will be located in Changhua County Yuanlin, until Sajiu years Zhongyangzhengfu province is divided into 21 counties, this will Sajiu in December according to the new area was re-established in Taichung County Medical Association. December 25 ninety-nine years since the merger was upgraded to municipality Taichung County, resolution convening the 22nd 3rd Congress by renamed "Taichung City, Taichung on 24 March 1 ○ Ernian Medical Association will be. " This will be set up so far, a total of fifteen calendar chairman, president and sessions under the leadership of directors and supervisors, are to promote medical knowledge, the development of medicine and medical skills, assist in the implementation Gonggongweisheng, promote social well-being and welfare of members of the promotion of amity cum for the purpose.