About 野望影展
台灣野望國際自然影展係由社團法人台灣野望自然傳播社以及英國「綠色奧斯卡」Wildscreen影展合作,每年引進20部全球頂尖的生態環境得獎紀錄片,巡迴全台為期一年。本App將及時提供您最新的影片內容介紹、播映時間及地點,以便就近觀賞,不會錯過任何一部精彩作品。 Taiwan International Nature Film Festival line Wildness by the natural spread Corp. Taiwan Wildness Society and the British "Green Oscar" Wildscreen Film Festival cooperation, each of the introduction of the world's top 20 award-winning documentaries ecological environment, a one-year tour in Taiwan. This App will promptly provide you with the latest video content presentation, broadcast time and place to be nearby to watch, will not miss any a wonderful work.