About 豐原戶政
「豐戶APP」為提供更多元及便捷服務,提供查詢等待人數、登記須知、稱謂親等、國籍歸化測驗、登記檢核表單、戶政資訊;並連結到本所官方網站、facebook。另有關『戶籍歷史資料』功能單元,薪傳民國90年及民國94年由本所研發「日治時期戶籍登記法律及用語編譯」暨「增修版」,記載日治時期戶籍登記之地名、法律用語、職業別及行政區、國民身分證沿革等相關資料供查閱,歡迎多加利用。 "HSBC households APP" to provide more diverse and convenient service available to wait for the number of inquiries, registration instructions, and other pro title, nationality, naturalization test, registration vetting form, the household information; and links to the official website of this, facebook. Another relevant "household historical information" functional unit, Heritage of the Republic 90 years and 94 years by the Republic of China developed "during the Japanese occupation of household registration laws and language compilation" cum "Upgrading version" of names recorded in the population register of the Japanese colonial period, the legal language, occupational and other political subdivision, the evolution of national identity cards and other related information are available for inspection, welcome greater use.