About 宜蘭東門夜市十大小吃
1. 八寶冰:夏天最適合來碗涼涼的冰豆花,不喜歡吃冰的人也可以選擇熱的,口感好真材實料又便宜讓人吃了一口接一口,夏天吃保證透清涼,冬天也有好吃的燒仙草,料很多樣化,讓你有很多種選擇,甜而不膩的好味道。
2. 心心牛排:平價又好吃的牛排非心心牛排莫屬,如果沒吃過一定要去試一次,牛豬雞肉都給得非常大氣,搭配上鐵板麵無敵絕配,東門夜市裡有很多家平價牛排,但千萬別吃錯因為吃錯會後悔!
3. 東門木瓜牛奶專賣店:吃小吃配上一杯冰冰涼涼的木瓜牛奶再適合不過了,但要注意季節水果,有時候不是當季水果就買不到摟,這絕對是你口渴的好夥伴,也是陪著小吃的好夥伴,老闆也非常的親切,攤位前還擺了很多小公仔相當可愛。
4. 橋下30年龍鳳腿 :人潮總是圍著攤位,一串接著一串的拿,因為實在太便宜啦!搭配上它獨特的醬汁真的是絕配,東門夜市裡最有名氣的一攤但也是要碰運氣的有時候去他可能會沒開,如果有開就一定要去試試看。
5. 一串心 :東門夜市一進去的第一家一串心,千萬別走錯家了,川燙過在塗抹上醬汁的口感非常的香又脆,沒吃過的一定要試試看。
6. 友情炭烤香雞排:這家的雞排很貼心有分你要炭烤還是炸的,可以依個人口味去選擇,它的其他炸物也非常的好吃且便宜,如果喜歡吃炸的朋友一定要去試試看,也有喜酒上常吃到的炸湯圓可以選擇非常特別。
7. 梁大胖炭烤: 整個攤位就躲在東港橋樑下的第一攤,就算沒看到燈箱,那飄出的陣陣烤肉香根本就是迷魂香來著...不由自主的就會往攤子那兒靠過去,讓人留念的好味道也是每去必吃的美食。
8. 美茶坊:來到夜市吃美食當然要配上好喝的飲料,美茶坊最有名的就是白色珍珠奶茶,還有時尚玩家特地報導,它的水果汁類也都不錯喝,如果來東門夜市沒喝到美茶坊就像沒去過一樣,因為實在太好喝了,所以千萬不能錯過唷!
9. 嘟好燒 :這是宜蘭在地美味可口的點心,用麵糊包住紅豆泥拿下去炸出來的美味,金黃酥脆的外皮像雞米花,咬開後便看到紅豆餡,隨然是甜點但是甜而不膩,吃起來是酥酥的口感,非常特別會讓人一口接一口。
10. 彭蔥油餅:一進入東門夜市入口就可以難到彭蔥油餅,如果時間太晚去就會看到大排長龍的隊伍,還會隻小狗狗在店面旁的桌上相當可愛,彭蔥油餅非常的香又酥脆,讓人吃了還想再吃,是到東門夜市必吃小吃。
陳令倢 1. Eight ice: the most suitable for summer bowl of bean curd ice cool, do not like to eat ice can also choose hot, good taste real materials and cheap people take a bite of the summer to eat through the cool assurance in winter there are good grass jelly, material is very diverse, so you have a lot of choices, sweet but not greasy good taste.
2. Heart steak: cheap and tasty steak steak none other than non hearts, if not eaten must go to try again, cow pig chicken gave very atmospheric, with the invincible iron surface a perfect match, the East Gate night market, there are many cheap steak house, but do not eat the wrong because eating the wrong'll be sorry!
3. Eastgate papaya milk stores: Ice cool snack with a glass of papaya milk, but right then, but pay attention to seasonal fruits, fresh fruits sometimes not hug you buy, this is definitely good you thirsty partner and a good partner to accompany snacks, the boss is also very warm, the booth also put quite a lot of cute little doll.
4. Dragon legs under the bridge for 30 years: the crowd is always around the booth, followed by a string of a string of take, because it is too cheap it on with its unique sauce is really a perfect match, the East Gate night market most famous one! but also to spread luck sometimes go he might not open, if there are open must go give it a try.
5. bunch of heart: the East Gate night market go in the first bunch of heart, do not the wrong home, Sichuan burns on the applicator sauce taste very fragrant and crisp, not eaten must try .
6. friendship grilled chicken breast: This very intimate partakers of chicken grilled or fried you can choose according to personal taste, its other deep-fried is also very tasty and cheap, if you like to eat fried the friend must go to try, but also the wedding to eat fried rice balls can choose very special.
7. Liang Taipan charcoal: the entire booth to booth hiding under the first bridge east of Hong Kong, did not even see the boxes, that smell of barbecue bursts of fragrant incense Ecstasy simply will not help towards the ... stand there by the past, people of good taste is taken to each will eat food.
8. US Tea House: Night came to eat food of course accompanied by delicious drinks, the United States is the most famous tea house white pearl milk tea, as well as fashion players specifically reported its class fruit juices are also good to drink, if to East Gate night market did not drink tea house like the United States have not been the same, because it is good drink, so do not miss yo!
9. beep to burn: This is the ground Ilan delicious dessert, red beans mud wrap scored with batter fried to a delicious, golden crispy crust like chicken rice flower, open bite after seeing red bean paste, then with dessert but sweet but not too sweet, and taste is the taste of the exciting moment, very special people will take a bite.
10. Peng pancakes: a night market to enter the East Gate entrance to Peng pancakes can be difficult, if too late to go to you will see long queues of the team, but also just very cute little dog on the table next to the store, Peng onions the cake is very fragrant and crisp, people want to eat eat, is to the East Gate night market will eat snacks.
Song Shengyang
Jiang Yi 宭
Li Yi Xuan
Liu Yixuan
Chen Jie order