About 嗨!Fun-噪音神器免費版
● Go! Go! Go! 集結熱血,把手機變「加油棒」,為球場奮戰的勇士集氣加油!全部動起來!
● 搖!搖!搖!閃閃動人,把手機變「螢光棒」,為舞台上心愛的偶像,表達您由衷的愛意與支持!
● 把手機「搖」身變為加油螢光棒,讓歡聚時刻更開心!讓熱力演出更來勁!
● 不論在派對、演唱會、球場、KTV、各種聚會場合、任何需要來點噪音的時候,『嗨!Fun』都是最佳助興道具。
1. 鬥熱鬧:結合聲音、色彩、動圖,讓手機變身為螢光加油棒。
2. 最搖擺:內建多組特殊音效,隨著節奏搖晃手機,可以播出選定的音效;或者直接按播放鍵,持續播放音效。
3. 獨特嗓:可自行錄製語音或音效。
4. 多光彩:提供8組自選面板底色,讓螢幕在不同場合展現不同光彩。
5. 更活潑:內建12組動態吉祥物和大字報,讓畫面效果更活潑。
6. 你最棒:可自行載入音源檔和圖片,創造出與眾不同的螢光/加油棒。
*適用對象:當然是大家都很好使用啦~ ● Go! Go! Go! Buildup of blood, the phone becomes "up stick" for the court warrior fighting gas gathering Come on! All moving!
● Shake! shake! shake! Catching people, the phone becomes "glow sticks" on the stage of their idols and sincerely express your love and support!
● phone "shake" itself into a fuel glow sticks, gathered in time to make even more fun! Let thermodynamic performance more exciting!
● regardless of party, concert, stadium, KTV, all kinds of gatherings, any time you need to point the noise, "Hi! Fun "is the best props add to the fun.
*Product Features:
1. Bucket lively: combining sound, colors, moving map, mobile phone transformed into a fluorescent up stick.
2. The most swing: built-in multi-group of special sound effects, with the rhythm shaking the phone, can broadcast the selected sound; or simply press the play button, the sound continues to play.
3. unique voice: can record their own voice or sound.
4. Multi glory: Provides 8 optional panel background, so screen show different luster in different occasions.
5. more lively: Built-in 12 groups of dynamic mascot and posters, so that the screen effect is more lively.
6. Your best: self-loading audio files and pictures, to create a unique fluorescent / up stick.
* Suitable for: Of course, we all use good friends ~
by Y####: