About 大樂透|威力彩|539|大福彩,選號分析
工具彙整了台彩熱門︰大樂透、威力彩、今彩539,大福彩,的歷史開獎紀錄(數據若有誤植, 以台彩官方為準)
1. 選取號碼(藍框)
2. 鎖定號碼(紫框),隨機選取定會選擇此號碼
3. 剔除號碼,隨機選取定會忽略此號碼
2016 / 07 / 06:
感謝意見與評分,應用程式更新了。新版正常運行兩週後,將會停用舊版服務。 "Tools Help"
Tool aggregates a popular color ︰ Taiwan Lotto, the power of color, this color 539, big Welfare, lottery history record (data if Mistransplant to Taiwan official color prevail)
For providing a user views the recent numbers out of the situation, or verify whether a combination opened the first prize?
To remind you, this information is only as a reference tool designed to integrate that data, manufacturing and fun ideas Pick ago.
"Operating Instructions"
Click the box number, can be:
1. Select the number (blue box)
2. Lock Number (purple box), selected at random will certainly choose this number
3. Excluding numbers, randomly selected set ignores this number
Index number Description:
Cumulative red ︰ out
Green: Continuous out
Continuous blue ︰ not out
Development status:
Thanks for comments and ratings, the app updated. After running the new version for two weeks, will disable legacy services.
Download and install
大樂透|威力彩|539|大福彩,選號分析 version 2016.6a on your
Android device!
Downloaded 10,000+ times, content rating: Not rated
Android package:
tw.com.teddychan.happylottery, download 大樂透|威力彩|539|大福彩,選號分析.apk