About 秀山莊-文德旗艦店
秀山莊創立於1979年元月,早年戶外休閒風氣尚未活絡,草創初期備感艱辛,在2013年創辦人 陳榮芳先生為擴大服務台南鄉親,在仁德交流道旁成立了 "秀山莊文德旗艦店",引進國內外知名戶外休閒品牌,希望藉此可以讓來店的客人得到更好的服務、更多的選擇。
里小路戶外登山露營用品(秀山莊-文德旗艦店) Mountain Villa was founded in January 1979, the early years of outdoor leisure activity has not been active, early embryonic feel more difficult, founded in 2013, Mr. Chen Rongfang Tainan folks to expand services in exchange Rende road set up a "flagship store Xiushan Zhuang Wende ", the introduction of well-known outdoor recreation brands in the hope that allows guests to shop to get better service, more choices.
More customer service base, set up shop Street Mall, where guests want to get more product information!
PChome Store Street:
In the path of outdoor climbing camping supplies (Mountain Villa - Bonaventure flagship store)