About 愛拼
最 Smart 的個人化字彙能力提升工具
首創專為有學習或備考目標之學習者所設計的 APP!根據升學、留學考試、就業考試等不同學習目標,規劃出六大專屬字庫,提供最符合個別需求、最有感的字彙精進學習模式。六大字庫如下:
(1) 大學二技(大考7000字精選字彙)
(2) 留學考試(TOEFL, IELTS重要字彙)
(3) 公職考試(公職英文頻考字彙)
(4) 英文檢定(TOEIC常考商務類 / 生活類重要字彙)
(5) 學士後醫考試(學士後中西醫考試核心字彙)
(6) 研究所考試(國內各大研究所考試重要字彙)
【說明】大學入學考試字彙列為「必備字彙」,亦即使用者必須具備大考單字的能力,再基於此程度往上增進。故使用者在進入一開始的 mini test 時,無論選擇的目標是哪些考試,大考字彙都設定為預設字庫,以測試起始程度。
■ 全腦特訓
(1) Mini Test:進入程式須依個人學習目標選擇「專屬測驗字庫」(可複選)並進行 mini test,程式將依此結果初步判定使用者程度,並作為「單字特訓」的難易起始程度。
(2) 正式測驗:依單字難易程度分為六個階段,由前測結果判斷測驗起始程度,完成一個階段單字訓練該階段 ○ 將轉換成實心 ●,藉此使用者可檢視自己的單字訓練完成度。
Step1. 以三個字為一組,開始進行單字特訓。系統依序出現三個單字,單字以英文及中文解釋呈現,並同步發聲。接著隨機且依序出現一個英文單字及三個中文解釋讓使用者選擇答案,若選擇錯誤,則重來。
Step2. 字義測驗皆通過後,英文以字母拼音方式呈現,並發聲。然後隨機且依序出現一個英文單字讓使用者拼音,若拼錯則重來。
Step3. 完成一組特訓字之後,可自行選擇儲存不會的或想保存在「個人字庫」的單字以便後續自行練習。
■ 單字全覽
■ 井字遊戲
與電腦對戰,先猜拳決定先後次序,依序答對單字意思即可畫 ○,最快連成一條線者獲勝。可無限次數挑戰。
■ More
(1) 個人字庫:收錄在「全腦特訓」中答錯或使用者自行選擇加入收藏的字,每個單字皆標示字庫來源,可加強複習後自行刪除。
(2) 推薦清單:依使用者前測程度及全腦特訓進行情況,提供相關實體、線上課程或書籍推薦及購買管道,作為規劃進一步學習計畫之參考。
(3) 考情分析:提供重要考試時程查詢及由名師提點相關應試準備技巧之影音考訊。
(4) 推播管理:使用者可設定程式每日提醒時間,藉此督促自己不間斷地學習以有效提升單字實力!
(5) 重新選取測驗字庫:使用者可依需求重新設定欲測驗之字庫,但每次重選字庫之後需再次進行 mini test 才能開始進行單字特訓。 Most Smart personalized vocabulary capacity building tool
Anytime, anywhere, play while you learn, "fight" the super power of words!
[Feature description]
● "Custom test character", "adaptive learning content recommendation" to meet the individual learning needs
The first is designed for learners with learning or pro forma target of the designed APP! According to studies, study test, employment test different learning goals, plan out six unique character, providing best meet individual needs, felt most sophisticated vocabulary learning mode. Six font as follows:
(1) University two technology (7,000 words exams Featured vocabulary)
(2) study test (TOEFL, IELTS important vocabulary)
(3) A public examination (public English test frequency vocabulary)
(4) English test (TOEIC test often business class / lifestyle important vocabulary)
(5) Postgraduate Medical Examination (post-baccalaureate exam core vocabulary of Western medicine)
(6) Examination Institute (Institute for major domestic exam important vocabulary)
[Description] college entrance vocabulary listed as "essential vocabulary", ie the user must have the ability exams word, and then based on this degree of upward growth. Therefore, the user enters a mini test begins, the target no matter what choice exam, exam vocabulary are set to the default font to test the initial level.
● "Whole Brain Gifted" breakthrough rote learning word demons
In three words for a group quiz, with repeated listening and spelling Gifted way, repeated stimulation of left and right brain learning and memory, naturally achieve mastery of the word purpose! Make good use of the small time "to fight" a big step forward!
● "Browse the full word" offer optional font of all words Complete Learning
Word chosen by professional foreign teachers recording, 432. Oral hearing standard synchronous lifting force.
● "Tic Tac Toe" fun interactive challenges to strengthen the effectiveness of learning
In the course of the war in the random selection of words, word reached again review the results.
■ Whole Brain Gifted
Difficulty starting to enter the program learning objectives must select "Exclusive Test font" (check) and mini test, so the results of the program will be initially determined by the individual user level, and as a "word Gifted" is: (1) Mini Test degree.
(2) an official test: the degree of difficulty by word divided into six stages, from the pre-test results to determine the extent of the initial test, the completion of a training phase word will be converted into the solid phase ○ ●, whereby the user can view their own words Training Degree of completion.
Step1. In three words as a group, word began special training. Sequential system, there are three words, words in English and Chinese to explain presentation and synchronize sound. Then appears a random and sequential three English words and Chinese interpretation allows users to select the answer, if you choose wrong, then again.
Step2. Meaning the test after all, the English alphabet letters presented in a way, and sound. Then appear random and sequential an English word spelling allows users, if you misspell again.
Step3. After the completion of a set of Gifted word, can choose not to store or want to save "personal character" of the word in order to follow their own practice.
■ Browse the full word
Collection of user-defined font of all word quiz, each word contains a detailed explanation and Chinese pronunciation, words can be heard after school or special training as a refresher anytime, anywhere.
■ Tic Tac Toe
Against the computer, the first mora decide priorities sequentially answer word meaning to draw ○, even the fastest in a line wins. Unlimited number of challenges.
■ More
(1) Personal character: a collection of wrong answer or users choose Favorite word, each word are marked font sources can enhance self-delete after reviewing the "whole brain Gifted" in.
(2) Recommended list: according to the user level measured before and the whole brain were Gifted, provide related entity, online courses or books recommend and purchase the pipeline, as a planning reference for further study of the plan.
(3) test situation analysis: important process inquiries and examinations by the teacher point to mention video-related exam preparation techniques of examination hearing.
(4) push management: Users can set the program daily reminder time, thereby continuously supervise their own learning in order to effectively improve the word power!
(5) Select Test font: users may want to demand re-set the font of quiz, but after each character need to be re-elected again mini test before starting the word special training.