About 懷恩明醫聯合診所
意義: 乃取法 『大學』而為醫『大學之道、 在在明德、在親民、在止於至善』。 明醫:明德 親民止於至善為良醫!
宗旨:醫治大能來自神的恩膏,以『專業誠 摯』的精神力行『醫療服事』與『職場宣教』 以 推廣『全人醫療』,提供病患完整身、心、靈的 治療! Meaning and purpose of creation:
Meaning: is emulated, "university" and for the doctors, "University Road, in the Matilda in the PFP, in all worlds." Ming Medical: Matilda PFP worlds for the good doctor!
Mission: healing power of anointing from God to "professional and sincere" spiritual exercise "health ministry" and "career missionaries" to promote "holistic health" to provide patients with a full body, mind, and spirit of the treatment!