伊美時尚診所 for Android
伊美時尚診所,一個全方位專業醫學美容館,提供了一處溫馨的休閒聖地,細膩呵護您的身心,使您能從內心深處到表層肌膚徹底放鬆再放鬆。不僅如此,我們也提供快速有效的專業醫學美容 技術。
在這裡,我們有著先進的高科技醫學美容儀器、設備及專業的醫療團隊,滿足每一位伊美客人立即有效的醫學方式服務,或是透過 SPA循序漸進方式來達到完美的境界,讓您成為伊美佳人。
伊美時尚診所位於汐止最熱鬧精華地段的大同路二段 512號,就在汐止火車站前永豐銀行隔壁旁伊美時尚診所的設立,讓住在汐止及附近地區喜愛醫美人從此不必再長途拔涉,風塵僕僕的遠赴台北市尋找美麗的傳說,只要輕鬆來個電話,做了預約諮詢後,再輕鬆前來赴個美麗之約即可。
伊美時尚診所雖是一間小小的診所,但我們提供精緻而且溫馨的服務,用最優惠的價格及專業技術回饋伊美人,這就是伊美時尚診所,屬於大家的診所, 時尚伊美 精緻完美, 完美的追求。
Ibero-American fashion Clinic, a full range of professional medical beauty shop, offers a warm and casual shrine, delicate care of your body and mind, allowing you to surface from deep inside the skin relax and then relax. Not only that, we also provide fast and effective professional medical cosmetic technologies.
Here, we have advanced high-tech medical beauty equipment, medical equipment and professional team, to meet every guest Ibero-American way of immediately effective medical service, or through SPA gradual approach to achieve perfection, so that you become the Ibero-American Girl .
Ibero-American fashion essence of the busiest clinics located Xizhi lots Datong Road, Sec 512, on the establishment of Hsichih Sovereign Bank next door next to the train station before the Ibero-American fashion clinics, so live in Hsichih and nearby areas like medical beauty from having to involve a long pull , dusty went to Taipei to find a beautiful legend, just simply a phone call, make an appointment to consult, and then easily come about to go to a beauty.
Sincere meet each customer's needs is the Ibero-American fashion clinics goal, but also the driving force behind our progress, it is the biggest accomplishment of each employee.
Ibero-American fashion clinic although a small clinic, but we offer exquisite and attentive service, the most preferential prices and professional and technical feedback Iraqi beauty, this is the Ibero-American fashion clinics, belong to the people of the clinic, fashion Ibero-American exquisite perfection, perfection pursuit.
Ibero-American fashion clinic warmly invite you to become a fashion beauty Iraq.
We welcome your call and visit.