About 滅燈(打槍燈)
模擬交友節目的滅燈效果與音效(我們約會吧、王子的約會、非誠勿擾),想打槍對方,又不想直說嗎?就讓這個App幫你表達吧!晚餐不滿意!滅燈!約會不滿意!滅燈!朋友提案不滿意!照樣滅燈!可以在聯誼場合中拿出來炒熱氣氛! Analog dating show put out the lights and sound effects (we meet it, the prince's appointments, You Are the One), would like to fire a gun at each other, and do not want to say so? Let this App help you express it! Dinner not satisfied! Put out the lights! Appointments are not satisfied! Put out the lights! Friends proposal dissatisfied! Still put out the lights! Out in the recreational occasions to liven up the atmosphere!