About 7988採購通 - 企業找標案,主動媒合通知您的標案!
---------- 產品介紹開始 ----------
為了讓習慣用電腦查找標案的人轉換平台,改以手機 APP 來做為找標案的工具,我們作了以下五大優化與設計:偏好推播、加入關注、瀏覽歷史、社群分享、搜尋案件。
當使用者註冊會員後,透過註冊欄位可以取得使用者想關注的「偏好類別」;未來只要新上架的標案符合偏好,手機 APP 便會送出訊息通知。
使用者閱覽標案時,可透過星號將該案件加入關注, 以利後續快速大量查找案件,並隨時找的到該案件。
只要幾個關鍵字,便能夠在 7988 採購通的標案資料庫中搜尋出與關鍵字相符的案件,過濾掉無關的案件。
---------- 相關連結位置 ----------
◆ 7988易採購官方網站(手機與電腦瀏覽畫面長的不一樣喔!)
◆ 大鑫資訊耗材專家(公司形象網站)
◆ 大鑫原廠耗材專家(FB粉絲團)
我們是您值得信賴的好夥伴,未來將提供 B2B 媒合機制,讓您買賣商談無往不利,業績長紅!若想了解更多或是有合作提案,歡迎您隨時來訊,讓我們攜手共創美好。
E-Mail 1:7988service@gmail.com
E-Mail 2:safeway.oa@msa.hinet.net We are printer supplies sales company, long-term government e-procurement network looking for a good standard case, but found that when drawn out waste, inefficiency ... Therefore, we believe that companies looking for standard case needs better tools, then took the lead in the development of This application APP.
If you are like us, but also warm, passionate support the SMEs of Taiwan's economy, trapped in the standard case to find livelihood hardships, please feel free to communicate with us, let us work together to provide better and better standard case Finder !
Start ---------- ---------- Products
In order to make the practice of using a computer to find people to convert standard text platform, changed to do is to find a mobile phone APP standard case of tools, we made the following five optimization and design: Preference push, added attention, browsing history, social sharing, search case.
[Push] preferences
When the user registered members, the field can be obtained through registered user want to focus on the "preference categories"; the future as long as the new shelves tenders accord preferences, phone APP will send the message notification.
Proactive notification, is the core of government e-procurement network service completely unable to compare!
[Attention] added
When a user reading tenders, may be added by an asterisk concern the case, in order to facilitate follow-up to find a large number of cases quickly, and to keep looking into the case.
[Browse History]
In case a user forgets added concern, we also offer browsing history, allowing users to more quickly access to what they have seen those cases.
[Community share]
If users are interested in the case of the standard can, through sharing, the standard case transferred to Line, Wechat, E-Mail, FB ... etc. to share with other people.
[Search Case]
Just a few keywords, will be able to find out in the 7988 procurement tenders through the library and keyword matching cases, to filter out irrelevant cases.
In addition to user interface focused on user experience, the five above-mentioned optimization and design, providing users with the fastest speed to find the case for their own companies. In addition, users can also publish their procurement needs.
Related Links Location ---------- ----------
◆ 7988 easy to purchase the official website (phone and computer browser screen length is not the same Oh!)
◆ Daxin Information supplies expert (corporate image website)
◆ Daxin original supplies specialist (FB fans)
We are worthy of your trust and good partners, the future will provide B2B matchmaking mechanism, allowing you to negotiate the sale of their drawbacks, the performance of a long red! To learn more or to have cooperation proposals, please feel free to inquiry, let us work together for good.
E-Mail 1: 7988service@gmail.com
E-Mail 2: safeway.oa@msa.hinet.net