About 南投縣南崗幼兒園
本工業區開發面積共達四佰餘公頃,廠商約有四佰多家,勞工朋友貳萬餘人。為促進勞工朋友福利,承省合管處陳處長伯村、洪主任敏麟及南崗管理中心之協助,於民國七十二年籌組南崗勞工消費合作社,翌七十三年元月正式開業營運。再於七十五年籌劃附設托兒所,唯資金短少覓地困難,然時任中心主任林明德先生不辭辛勞,帶領中心及本社同仁極力奔走取得用地。承經濟部工業局陳副局長聖怡協調中華工程公司張經理榮平支持,約以時價二成之成本價格將本區住宅用地1200餘坪售與本社作托兒所用地。 The industrial park development area totaling more than four hectares of Bai, Bai vendors about four more than two million people a friend of labor. To promote the welfare of labor friend, Order Management Office Director Chen provincial co-tsun, the main Renmin Lin Hung and Management Center Nangang assistance in 1983 Nangang labor organizing consumer cooperatives, officially opened in January next 73 years operations. Then at seventy-five years planning include nurseries, only lack of funds seek to difficulties, and then when he was director of the Center Mr. Lin Mingde tirelessly led the Centre and Head colleagues tried running to acquire the land. Order of the Ministry of Economic Affairs Chen Yi, deputy director of St. coordination BES Engineering Corporation Zhang Rong level support to the current price of about 20% of the cost price of residential land in this area will be more than 1,200 sales and the Society for the nursery floor space.