About Vineyard Churches
The Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland app brings over 200 Vineyard films to your TV screen, allowing you to view them whenever you want from the comfort of your own couch. Including full conference talks from the National Leaders' Conference and The Cause to Live For; music videos from Vineyard Records UK including the worldwide hits from Great Big God, plus the entire range of our popular Insights films available on demand for the first time.
Using the Android TV remote you can easily flick through hundreds of original Vineyard films. Search by film type, category or keyword to find the film you're looking for and then sit back and enjoy in high definition.
Already viewed in 144 countries, Vineyard films are now available on your Android TV for your convenience, designed to easily watch with your Small Group, as part of a larger crowd, with your children or simply by yourself.
With films featuring Robby Dawkins, Jay Pathak, John Wright, Debby Wright, Pete Greig, Mike Pilavachi, Andy Croft, Jen Rankine, Simon Ponsonby, John Mumford, Eleanor Mumford, and many more, this app provides hundreds of original Vineyard films, on your TV, on demand.