About 9TV
● 創新節目
● 跨螢運用
● 社群互動
VMAG 影音雜誌頻道
9NEWS 新聞頻道
FUN MV 音樂頻道
Life Music 音樂頻道
娛樂魔方 娛樂頻道
好動網 體育頻道
9TV為 FLIPr.tv 所開發之播放清單彙整平台,旨在作為影音內容的索引與目錄,以方便讀者瀏覽與發現。9TV之影音內容來源,係索引自網路上 YouTube 等「第三方網站」網址。9TV嚴格遵守「第三方網站」之使用條款。與影音內容有關之商標、著作權等智慧財產權,係屬於「第三方網站」與「第三方網站使用者」之間相互約定之權利義務關係 。
9TV所引用的所有資訊 (包含但不限於公司、節目、產品的名稱與標識),其商標、著作權等智慧財產權,皆屬於其相對應的原合法權利人所有。9TV遵守並保障國際通用之相關智財概念與精神,包含合理使用原則與數位千禧年著作權法。
9TV是新世紀電視影音的導覽 (目錄) 服務平台,內含精心建立的多螢互動機制,完善且靈活多變,可為影音內容產製者量身訂作最具效益的合作方案,行銷全球受眾。9TV邀您攜手:
- 建立共創、共用、共銷、共生之媒體聯盟。這當中可包含:平台合作、內容創用、商業模式、電子商務、行銷活動等層面;
- 一起在電視影音領域裡面,定義主流的使用情境、功能標準、互動體驗,甚至是產業標準、遊戲規則。
join@9tv.tw 9TV grand on the line, hundreds of programs, seven days a week, 24 hours a day, full-time streaming delivery, absolutely do not miss the exciting content!
◎ think television bored? 9TV will subvert your imagination on television!
● Innovation Program
● Cross firefly use
● community interaction
Perfect integration "software ─ ─ content hardware," the ultimate experience, in 9TV. With chromecast taking, taste better!
◎ 6 big thing as channel
VMAG Video Magazine Channel
9NEWS News
FUN MV Music Channel
Life Music Music Channel
Cube Entertainment Entertainment Channel
Good Action Network sports channel
◎ now aggressively program
Kitchen Cookery rookie changed
A House Science and Technology News
Independent news weekly
Internet Talent Show
Fashion Runway
The big man is indeed fortunate
Beauty Daren teach me something
Movie News cowboys
Weekend Love Concert
FUN MV main star
.... Pobai wonderful program lets you turn any of you play
◎ special experience across firefly
TV Stick: Never mind what brand of set-top boxes, and you heard chromecast it?
Projection key: no turn on the TV, just press the button 9TV projection, shoop!
Remote control: Denden ~! Phone immediately turned the remote control, with the election turntable super easy!
See while playing: a unique interactive program 9TV situation, so you made him look funny!
◎ Disclaimer
9TV FLIPr.tv developed for the list of players aggregated platform designed as audio and video content indexing and table of contents for easy viewing and discovery. 9TV source of audio and video content, the Department of the index since the Internet YouTube and other "third-party sites' URL. 9TV strict adherence to the "third party websites" terms of use. Trademarks and video content related to the copyright and other intellectual property rights belong to the Department of mutual rights and obligations of the agreement between the "third party websites Users" "third-party sites."
All news 9TV referenced (including, but not limited to its program, the product name and logo), its trademarks, copyrights and other intellectual property rights, are the property of their legitimate rights correspond to the original owners. 9TV observe and protect its intellectual property related to the concept of the international spirit of common, including the fair use doctrine and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
◎ About Us
9TV new century television video navigation (directory) service platform, multi-firefly interaction mechanism contains carefully established, complete and flexible, for audio and video content production system are tailored for the most effective cooperation programs, marketing global audience. 9TV invite you to join:
- Create to create, share, total sales, Symbiosis Media Alliance. Among these may include: collaboration platform, with content creators, business models, e-commerce, marketing activities and other aspects;
- Inside TV video field together, define mainstream usage scenarios, functional standards, interactive experience, or even industry standards, rules of the game.
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