94'ten Bugüne for Android
Bu uygulamada, İstanbul ve İstanbullular için ulaşımdan altyapıya, çevreden içme suyuna, dere ıslahlarından temiz havaya, kültür sanattan spora, uluslararası ilişkilere kadar hayatın her alanında yapılan yatırımlar ve bu yatırımların sonuçlarını görebilirsiniz.
This application, in Istanbul since 1994 as a result of the investments made citizens about major changes experienced, academia and relevant institutions and organizations in order to inform was developed by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality.In this embodiment, Istanbul and Istanbul for transport infrastructures, environment, drinking water, creek rehabilitation of the fresh air, culture, the arts, sports, international relations up to life in all areas of investments and these investments can see the results.