About TossBIZ_토스비즈
Toss in the Business version - the franchise, brand shops, a beacon platform app for the self-employed
Franchise and brand shops and small business owners about their own shop
Beacon service (70 Meters PUSH to customers within a radius advertising, event coupons, information, etc.) and be a,Itself is a PUSH message that you can edit and manage applications
Toss의 Business 버전- 프랜차이즈,브랜드샵,자영업자용 비콘플랫폼앱
프랜차이즈나 브랜드샵 그리고 소규모의 자영업자들이 자신만의 가게에 대해
비콘서비스(반경70M이내의 고객들에게 PUSH광고,이벤트쿠폰,정보제공등등)을 할수 있으며,
자체적으로 PUSH메세지를 수정 및 관리할수 있는 어플리케이션. Toss in the Business version - the franchise, brand shops, a beacon platform app for the self-employed
Franchise and brand shops and small business owners about their own shop
Beacon service (70 Meters PUSH to customers within a radius advertising, event coupons, information, etc.) and be a, Itself is a PUSH message that you can edit and manage applications
Toss in the Business version - the franchise, brand shops, a beacon platform app for the self-employed
Franchise and brand shops and small business owners about their own shop
Beacon service (70M PUSH to customers within a radius advertising, event coupons, information, etc.) and be a,
Modify the PUSH messages and manage their own applications that can.