Toko Indonesia for Android
Toko Telco adalah toko yang biasanya menjual Pulsa, kartu perdana, Handphone, aksesoris handphone dsb meskipun tidak menutup kemungkinan juga menjual produk lainnya seperti sembako. (Telco store is a store that usually sells Pulses, SIM cards, mobile phones, mobile phone accessories etc. although not rule out also sell other products such as food).
Toko Consumer good adalah toko yang penjualannya didominasi penjualan barang2 kebutuhan sehari-hari seperti sembako, dsb. (Consumer good store is a store whose sales are predominantly sales products daily necessities such as food, etc).
Komunitas adalah sejumlah toko maupun perorangan yang biasanya memiliki jaringan atau komunitas diantara mereka dalam menjalankan sejumlah bisnis. (Communities are a number of shops and individuals who usually have a network or a community among them in running a number of businesses).
Adapun tipe2 toko lain dijelaskan di menu panduan lengkap. (As for other stores tipe2 described in the menu complete guide).
Aplikasi ini adalah bagian dari aplikasi Toko Chatting. Jadi sangat disarankan untuk menginstall aplikasi kami satunya yang bernama Toko Chatting. Karena di dalam apikasi Toko Chatting maka kita berdiskusi, komunikasi, tukar pendapat, sharing, dsb(This application is part of the application Toko Chatting. So it is highly recommended to install our application only named Toko Chatting. For in-application Shop Chatting then we discuss, communication, brainstorming, sharing, etc).
Jika berminat, maka setelah menginstal aplikasi Toko Indonesia ini silahkan diinformasikan ke kami nomor Handphone yang sudah diinstall dengan aplikasi Toko Indonesia ini, agar bisa kami masukkan ke dalam grup chatting semua toko se Indonesia! Kirimkan nomornya ke 087780097800, dengan pesan "ingin bergabung dengan grup Toko Indonesia". Jangan lupa sebutkan namanya :) (If interested, then after installing this app Toko Indonesia please inform us numbers to mobile phones that have been installed with Indonesia's application store, so that we can enter into a group chat all stores across Indonesia! Send the number to 087780097800, with the message "wanted to join the group Toko Indonesia". Do not forget to mention your name :))
Disamping itu kami menyediakan media diskusi di facebook dengan alamat (Besides, we provide the media discussion on facebook to address
This app contains up to about 600,000 stores are dominated by traditional stores scattered throughout Indonesia. There are several different types of stores, namely stores telco, stores consumer goods, community, etc. (This app contains up to 600,000 stores are dominated by traditional stores scattered throughout Indonesia. There are Several different types of stores items, namely stores telco, consumer goods stores, community, etc.)Telco store is a store that usually sells Pulses, SIM cards, mobile phones, mobile phone accessories etc. although not rule out also sell other products such as food. (Telco store is a store that usually sells Pulses, SIM cards, mobile phones, mobile phone accessories etc. Although not rule out Also sell other products such as food).
Consumer good store is a store whose sales are predominantly sales barang2 daily necessities such as food, etc. (Consumer good store is a store Whose sales are predominantly sales products for daily necessities such as food, etc).
Communities are a number of shops and individuals who usually have a network or a community among them in running a number of businesses. (Communities are a number of shops and individuals who usually have a network or a community Among Them in running a number of businesses).
As for other stores tipe2 described in the menu complete guide. (As for other stores tipe2 Described in the menu complete guide).
This application is part of the application store Chatting. So it is highly recommended to install our application only named Store Chat. For in-application Shop Chatting then we discuss, communication, brainstorming, sharing, etc. (This application is part of the application store Chatting. So it is highly recommended to install our application only named Store Chat. For in-application Shop Chatting then we discuss, communication, brainstorming, sharing, etc).
If interested, then after installing the app store Indonesia this please inform us numbers to mobile phones that have been installed with Indonesia's application store, so that we can enter into a group chat all stores across Indonesia! Send the number to 087780097800, with the message "wanted to join the group Toko Indonesia". Do not forget to mention his name :) (If interested, then after installing this app Toko Indonesia please inform us numbers to mobile phones that have been installed with Indonesia's application store, so that we can enter into a group chat all stores across Indonesia! Send the number to 087780097800, with the message "wanted to join the group Toko Indonesia". Do not forget to mention your name :))
Besides, we provide the media discussion on facebook with address (Besides, we provide the media discussion on facebook to address