About 心靈雞湯
「勿以善小而不為,勿以惡小而為之。」這是一句很常聽到的勵志短語,這些勵志短語都是前人留傳下來,約束道德生活,使人身心靈獲得提升的語句。但是,現在的人們太過的忙碌,往往只重視IQ,反而不太重視EQ的管理。因此,為了提升個人的人文素質,我們藉由此APP定時更換桌布,顯示如「助人為快樂之本」、「心中常存善解、包容、知足、惜福」、「不要小看自己,因為人有無限的可能」等勵志短語,勉勵大家,進而提升整個社會的人文素養。 "Do good but not as small, small and whom not to be evil." This is a very inspirational phrase often heard these inspirational phrases are predecessors handed down, constraints moral life, make personal soul to be promoted statement. But now people are too busy, often only pay attention to IQ, but pay little attention to the management of EQ. Therefore, in order to enhance their humanistic quality, we by this APP regular replacement tablecloths, display such as "helping others this happiness", "hearts always keep benevolent, tolerance, contentment, cherish," "Do not underestimate yourself, because people There are unlimited possibilities "etc. inspirational phrase, encouraged everyone, and thus enhance the cultural literacy of the whole society.