About 陸上競技記録帳
例)2分09秒25 → 20925
12m15 → 1215
画面下部の「管理」をタップして「分析」に切り替えることで、月ごとのベスト記録を元に、折れ線グラフを作成することができます。 Application to register and manage the recording of Athletics
List in, display the best record of every player-competition
Record Search can also be of did on the range specified by date
Input records, easy input of numbers only.
Example) 2 minutes 09 seconds 25 → 20925
12m15 → 1215
Registering a plurality of players and recording at once in the same date, tournament name, venue name.
Archive of the players, it can also be excluded from the input object of the record.
(It is possible to use a search of the subject)
※ additional than Ver1.1.1
Tap the "management" at the bottom of the screen it is possible to switch to the "analysis", based on the best record of every month, you will be able to create a line graph.