TFPA for Android
Таджикский Альянс Планирования Семьи имеет 15 летний опыт работы в сфере образования, информирования и предоставления услуг в области Сексуального и репродуктивного здоровья, и прав подростков и молодых людей.
Tajik Family Planning Alliance (TFPA) - is a unique, public and network organization in the Republic of Tajikistan, working in the area of SRHR. It contributes to the protection of human rights in the field of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), and engages in its activities a wide range of supporters through volunteering and social partnership. TFPA uses innovative approaches in providing access to information resources and services in the field of SRHR for vulnerable populations RT.Tajik Family Planning Alliance has 15 years of experience in the field of education, awareness and the provision of sexual and reproductive health services and rights of adolescents and young people.