تحليل الشخصية - النسخة الكاملة for Android
ما الفائدة التي يقدّمها لنا اختبار تحليل الشخصية MBTI ؟؟
1- يساعدنا في معرفة الناس ومعرفة أنفسنا.
2- يعرّفنا على الطريقة التي نفكّر بها والطريقة التي نتّخذ بها القرارات وكيف نتفاعل مع العالم من حولنا.
3- يساعدنا على أن نعرف لماذا نحن نتواصل بشكل أفضل مع بعض الناس دون غيرهم.
4- ولماذا نحن نفضّل بعض الوظائف دون أخرى.
5- يعرّفنا على نقاط القوّة لدينا فنتمكّن من تنميتها، وعلى نقاط الضعف فنتخلص منها ونطوّر شخصيّتنا.
Everyone of us along with hiding his identity; that does not appear to the viewer to him but it can be inferred through some of the actions or by answering a few questions, and is a personal analysis and read the hidden thoughts art is not good at, but some specialists in this field, and these subtleties that overpowered human soon show through tests character analysis, which can be analyzed in a personal hidden human, but requires them to answer truthfully the questions asked.What is the benefit offered by our personal analysis test that MBTI ??
1. helps us to know the people and know ourselves.
2. knows us on the way we think and the way they take their decisions and how we interact with the world around us.
3. helps us to know why we communicate better with some people and not others.
4. Why do we prefer some functions without the other.
5. introduces us to our strengths, so that we develop, and the weaknesses Ventkhals them and develop our personality.
by T####:
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