About Paiwan
本電子書為提昇排灣族學童數理競爭力與科普活動之研究為目的,結合多媒體影片、實體相片素材等多元方式,將提昇原住民學童的學習提升,並克服學習適應間存有的複雜關係,設計了原住民學童專屬的教課書,並透此電子書讓學童可以自主學習。本電子書以行動載具方式呈現,以做為學習、教育、評量之平台。 The e-book for the Promotion of Paiwan students mathematical competence and science activities for the purpose of combining multimedia video, multi-way photo material and other entities, will enhance aboriginal students to enhance learning and to overcome the complexity of the relationship between learning to adapt to there designed exclusive aboriginal students textbooks, and through this e-book so that students can self-study. The e-book presented in a way to move the vehicle to be used as learning, education, and assessments of the platform.