About Surah Yaseen - Makki Surah
Make every wish come true
Assalamoalaikum brothers and sisters ! Do you want to achieve your goals and make your dreams come true, but something is holding you back from focusing on dua and prayers. Stop worrying and start reciting Surah Yaseen.
Method: Recite Surah Yaseen one time after every Fajr prayer (salah) and pray for your wish after you finish the recitation session. You can continue the practice until your wish comes true.
Surah Yaseen for every wish and dreams
Surah Yaseen is the best Surah for making your dreams and wishes come true as it has been mentioned in several ahadiths and Islamic scriptures. To make a long story short: Here is a surefire, easy-to-practise method to make every single wish comes true.
The Rewards and Benefits of Reading Surah Yaseen
1. Maqal bin Yasar (RA) narrates that the Prophet (SAS) said, ‘Sura Yaseen is the heart of the Quran. Whoever recites it for the sake of Allah and for goodness in the hereafter, then he will be forgiven. Recite it upon your deceased ones’. (Recorded by Nasai, Abu Dawood, Ibn Hibban who says it is Saheeh (Sound). Recorded also by Ahmad and Hakim who says it is Saheeh (Sound).
2. In the Hadith of Anas (RA), it is recorded that whoever recites it (Surah Yaseen) one time, it is like reciting the Quran ten times’. (Recorded by Tirmizi).
3. In the Hadeeth of Jundub (RA), it is narrated that whoever recites it at night, seeking Allah’s pleasure, then he will be forgiven’. (Recorded by Ibn Hibban and Ibn Sunni).
4. Abu Darda (RA) narrates that whoever recites Sura Yaseen close to a dying person, then his death will be an easy one. (Recorded by Ad-Dailami and Ibn Hibban)
5. Abdullah bin Zubair (RA) narrates that whoever recites Surah Yaseen for any specific need, then it shall be fulfilled’. (Tafseer Al Mazhari).
6. It is narrated in the tradition of Harith bin Abu Umama that whoever recites Surah Yaseen, then if he is in fear, he will gain peace and safety. If he is sick, he will be cured. If he is starved, Allah will nourish him’. (Ad-Daa’i wad Dawaa).
7. In the narration of Ata (RA), it is reported that the Prophet (SAS) said, ‘whoever recites Sura Yaseen at the beginning of the day, then he will be in ease and goodness until the evening. And whoever recites it in the evening, then he will be in ease and goodness until
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