Luminist for Philips Hue (Unreleased) for Android
This is a tool designed to make as easy as possible the use of voice commands to control your lights.
"OK Google turn off the lights" becomes all you need to say while comfortably tucked in bed, ready to sleep.
This first version is really only a proof of concept for you to play with.
It is currently limited to turn off and on your lights: all of them or by room - as saved in your Philips Hue bridge.
Only English is recognized at the moment: other languages have not been tested and recognition will most likely fail.
I want to make this app free and accessible to anyone.
Maybe later we'll have some more advanced scene and color control features provided as in-app purchase, or even a store for related hardware like lamp shades making the best use of the cool multi-color lighting technology we have access to now.
I hope to implement multi-lingual support with your help as well as natural language processing to improve the comfort of use in the future.
Today however, I'm happy to share this little app with you and hope you'll enjoy it as it is now; well if it works! Let me know :)