About ছড়া ও গান ভিডিও Songs & Rhymes
*** অ্যাপটি চালাতে ইন্টারনেট কানেকশান প্রয়োজন হবে
এই অ্যাপটি মাধ্যমে আপনি/আপনার সন্তান দেখতে ও শিখতে পারবে বাংলায় বাছাইকৃত সকল জনপ্রিয় ছোটদের ছড়া ও গান। এছাড়াও আমরা নিয়মিত বাছাইকৃত নতুন নতুন ছোটদের ছড়া ও গানের ভিডিও সংগ্রহ করে আপলোড করে থাকি। এই অ্যাপটি হতে পারে আপনার সন্তানের জন্য সুস্থ্য বিনোদনের বার্তাবাহক। অ্যাপটি ভালো লাগলে দয়া করে আমাদের 5 স্টার দিয়ে উৎসাহিত করুন এবং আপনার মূল্যবান মতামত আমাদেরকে জানান।
বিঃদ্রঃ সকল ভিডিও ইউটিউব এপিআই রুলস/নিওম মেনে ইউটিউব থেকে বাছাইকরে সংগ্রহ করা হয়েছে এবং ভিডিওর মধ্যে কোন প্রকার এ্যাড ব্লক করা হয়নি। এরপরও যদি ভিডিও মালিকগণের কোন প্রকার আপত্তি থাকে তাহলে দয়াকরে আমাদেরকে মেইল এ জানান আমরা আপনার ভিডিও 24 ঘন্টার মধ্যে অ্যাপ থেকে সরিয়ে ফেলব।
-------------------------- DISCLAIMER --------------------------
* It is not an official app
* To see all the videos in the app will require internet connection.
* We are not blocking owner video ads displaying.
* All the streamed YouTube videos are copyrighted to their publishers. We just accumulate all Bengali Educational Kids Songs and Bengali Kids Rhymes videos that your kids can learn education by seeing videos in a signal application.
*This app does not have any affiliation or linkage to Bengali Kids Songs and Bengali Kids Rhymes videos.
-------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTES --------------------------
*** The Application dose not downloads YouTube videos and do not support background playing. We are respect YouTube API and YouTube Terms of Services.
*** If you have any issues/remove videos from our applications please mail us on our developer mail. We will remove your video within 24 hours.
Thank you,
People can find using those keys in Google Play: bangla kobita kids, bangla poem, bengali poem, bengali kobita, bangla rhymes, kobita bangla, bengali nursery rhymes, bangla kobita collection, bangla poems, bengali rhymes for children, poem bangla, bengali child songs, bangla kobita lyrics, bengali kids poem video, bangla maa kobita, bengali poem for child, bangla kids songs, bangla children songs, kids bengal songs, bangla sorborno book, bangla kids cartoon, Bangla chora videos, bengali rhymes, bangla, chotoder cartoon. shonamonider cartoon, thakurmar jhuli full episode, bangla kids songs, bengali kids rhymes, bangla children songs, bengali children rhymes. Internet connection will be required to run the app ***
Through this app you / your child will be able to see and learn all the popular children's rhymes and songs selected Bengal. We also selected a new children's rhymes and songs regularly upload videos that are collected. This app may be sent to your child healthy entertainment. If you like the app, please encourage us with 5 stars and tell us your valuable feedback.
Note: All videos on YouTube API Rules / nioma compliance has been collected and videos from YouTube in bachaikare did not block any ads. Yet, if you object to any video owner said please mail us, we will remove your video from the app within 24 hours.
-------------------------- DISCLAIMER ----------------------- ---
* It is not an official app
* To see all the videos in the app will require internet connection.
* We are not blocking owner video ads displaying.
* All the streamed YouTube videos are copyrighted to their publishers. We just accumulate all Bengali Educational Kids Songs and Bengali Kids Rhymes videos that your kids can learn education by seeing videos in a signal application.
* This app does not have any affiliation or linkage to Bengali Kids Songs and Bengali Kids Rhymes videos.
-------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTES ---------------------- ----
*** The Application dose not downloads YouTube videos and do not support background playing. We are respect YouTube API and YouTube Terms of Services.
*** If you have any issues / remove videos from our applications please mail us on our developer mail. We will remove your video within 24 hours.
Thank you,
People can find using those keys in Google Play: bangla kobita kids, bangla poem, bengali poem, bengali kobita, bangla rhymes, kobita bangla, bengali nursery rhymes, bangla kobita collection, bangla poems, bengali rhymes for children, poem bangla, bengali child songs, bangla kobita lyrics, bengali kids poem video, bangla maa kobita, bengali poem for child, bangla kids songs, bangla children songs, kids bengal songs, bangla sorborno book, bangla kids cartoon, bangla chora videos, bengali rhymes, bangla, chotoder cartoon. shonamonider cartoon, thakurmar jhuli full episode, bangla kids songs, bengali kids rhymes, bangla children songs, bengali children rhymes.
by Q####:
My daughter Namirah love this app