About Amigurumi
Each needlewoman, first saw the amigurumi (small knitted toys), falls in love with them immediately and forever. Moreover, instantly he wants to set to work to impose a lot of bunnies, seals, teddy bears, pupae with crochet. However, do not hurry in this matter. Even if you know how to knit a little, for amigurumi you need a bit more practice, perseverance, and mindfulness. Begin knitting toys better with simple, understandable and verified descriptions. Especially for beginners, we made a better selection for beginners. It is with these toys that it is best to learn how to knit. They are simple, detailed, without errors and easy to assemble.
I draw your attention that this application does not teach you the basics of crochet. Description contains material for the creation of toys. Having good crochet skills, you can quickly create this toy. The complexity of this description is average. The master class is intended solely for personal use.
This group is dedicated to crocheting wonderful Amigurumi toys. Here you can find a lot of creative ideas, crochet patterns, descriptions, master classes, and also be inspired by the work of talented authors. Professional group of needlewomen gives the opportunity to make a good advertisement for their workshop and get even more fans and buyers of your masterpieces