About LAN - Look At Nearby
Whether you are at home or traveling, explore the world with Look At Nearby!
With L.A.N. you can obtain information and photos of the places around you or of specific points on the map*, independently of your actual position. L.A.N. makes it possible to:
[✔] get pictures from Panoramio
[✔] get places (services, restaurants, hotels, monuments, etc...) from Google Places
[✔] get georeferenced articles from Wikipedia and read them
[✔] save favourites items from Panoramio and Google Places
[✔] disk and ram caching of images, to save Internet traffic
[✔] select contents from Google Places choosing one or more content types (e.g. church, restaurants, etc) from a list; to open the list of types, long press on 'Google Places' button
[✔] from options, decide the number of results from a query you can get; choose the radius of a search from actual centered point
Enjoy with L.A.N.!
*Google Maps API V2 supported Whether you are at home or traveling, explore the world with Look At Nearby!
With L.A.N. you can Obtain information and photos of the places around you or of specific points on the map * Independently of your actual position. L.A.N. makes it possible to:
[✔] get pictures from Panoramio
[✔] get places (services, restaurants, hotels, monuments, etc ...) from Google Places
[✔] get georeferenced articles from Wikipedia and read them
[✔] save favorites items from Panoramio and Google Places
[✔] ram and disk caching of images, to save Internet traffic
[✔] select contents from Google Places choosing one or more content types (eg church, restaurants, etc.) from a list, to open the list of types, long press on 'Google Places' button
[✔] from options, decide the number of results you can get from a query, choose the radius of to search from actual centered point
Enjoy with L.A.N.!
* Google Maps API V2 supported