About 儒林外史 Chinese Literature Series
《儒林外史》,長篇小說,清代吳敬梓作。五十六回。成書於1749年(乾隆十四年)或稍前,先以抄本傳世,初刻於1803年(嘉慶八年)。以寫實主義描繪各類人士對於“功名富貴”的不同表現,一方面真實的揭示人性被腐蝕的過程和原因,從而對當時吏治的腐敗、科舉的弊端禮教的虛偽等進行了深刻的批判和嘲諷;一方面熱情地歌頌了少數人物以堅持自我的方式所作的對於人性的守護,從而寄寓了作者的理想。白話的運用已趨純熟自如,人物性格的刻畫也頗為深入細膩,尤其是採用高超的諷刺手法,使該書成為中國古典諷刺文學的佳作。該書代表著中國古代諷刺小說的高峰,它開創了以小說直接評價現實生活的範例。 "Scholars", the novel, as the Qing Wu Jingzi. Fifty-six back. Written in 1749 (Qianlong fourteen years), or slightly before, the first to be handed down manuscripts, early moment in 1803 (Jiaqing eight years). Realism to depict all kinds of people for "fame and fortune" in different manifestations, on the one hand to reveal the true human nature and causes corrosion process, so that corruption of officialdom that time, the drawbacks of ethics imperial hypocrisy and so profound criticism and ridicule ; on the one hand warmly praised the guardian of the few who insist on way to self-made human nature, which ignited the author's ideal. The use of the vernacular has become skillful ease, depiction of character is also quite deep and delicate, especially the use of superb irony, the book became a masterpiece of Chinese classical satire. The book represents the peak of ancient Chinese satirical novels, it created a novel paradigm to directly evaluate real life.
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