About Hello Taxi Bratislava
SK - objednaj si taxík aj bez telefonovania v najväčšej taxislužbe v Bratislave
EN - order a taxi also without phone calls in the biggest TAXI company in Bratislava
Zjednodušte si spôsob cestovania s Hello Taxi. Máme tu pre Vás taxi aplikáciu, pomocou ktorej si môžete objednať Hello taxi z pohodlia Vášho domova, kancelárie alebo obľúbeného podniku aj bez potreby volania na náš dispečing.
- Aplikácia Vás pomocou GPS telefónu ľahko lokalizuje aj bez potreby zadávania adresy vyzdvihnutia
- Na mape sa Vám zobrazia voľné taxíky vo Vašom blízkom okolí
- Nechajte si vyhľadať automaticky najbližšie voľné Hello taxi
- Sledujte polohu objednaného taxi v reálnom čase priamo na mape aplikácie ako aj predpokladaný čas pristavenia taxíku
- Komunikujte priamo s vodičom taxíku pomocou textových správ z aplikácie SK - order a taxi without calling the largest taxi company in Bratislava
EN - Order a taxi also without phone calls in the biggest taxi company in Bratislava
Simplify the way to travel with Hello Taxi. We got a taxi for you which app you can order a taxi Hello from the comfort of your home, office or favorite company without the need to call our dispatch center.
- The application will use GPS easily locates your phone without the need for entering the address of pickup
- The map will be displayed taxis available in your vicinity
- Have you automatically find the next available taxi Hello
- Observe the position of ordering a taxi in real time directly on the map application and the estimated time of landing taxes
- Communicate directly with the taxi drivers using text messages from an application
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Hello Taxi Bratislava version 1.0.5 on your
Android device!
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Android package:
sk.bratislava.hellotaxi, download Hello Taxi Bratislava.apk