About Vreme je
Vremenski podatki in napoved za izbrane slovenske kraje.
Vremenska napoved za tekoči dan, in prihodnja dva dneva.
Podatki se prikazujejo na podlagi podatkov iz vremenskih postaj in avtomatskih vremenskih postaj.
Oglejte si, kakšno je bilo vreme v bližnji preteklosti. Grafični prikaz temperature, vetra in zračnega tlaka v zadnjih 48 urah (oz. 24 urah v primeru, da so podatki iz avtomatskih vremenskih postaj, ki beležijo vremenske podatke v polurnih intervalih).
V novi različici aplikacije je dodanih tudi nekaj osnovnih informacij o gibanju sonca in lune na izbranih krajih.
Tako lahko spremljate podatke o vzhodu in zahodu sonca in lune, dolžini dneva, kot sonca glede na obzorje in kot sonca proti severu (azimut). Lunine mene so izpisane opisno. Ob dnevih, ko lunina mena nastopi, pa je podan tudi točen čas nastopa. (npr. polna luna ob: 08:10). Podatki so prikazani tudi grafično in ne potrebujejo internetne povezave.
Možnost nastavitve privzetega kraja.
Vir vremenskih podatkov: Agencija RS za okolje, meteo arso.si Weather data and forecast for the selected Slovenian towns.
Weather forecast for the current day, and the next two days.
Data are shown based on data from weather stations and automatic weather stations.
See what the weather was in the recent past. Graphical display of temperature, wind and air pressure in the last 48 hours (or 24 hours in the event that data from automatic weather stations that record weather data in hourly intervals).
The new version of the application has also added some basic information about the movement of the sun and moon at selected locations.
You can track information on the east and west of the sun and moon, day length, as the sun in relation to the horizon and the sun towards the north (azimuth). Phases of the moon are written essay. On days when the moon phase occurs, there is also the exact time of occurrence. (Eg full moon at: 08:10). The data are presented graphically and do not need an internet connection.
Possibility of setting the default location.
Source of weather data: National Agency for the Environment, meteo arso.si