About Odosign
Aplikacija Odosign omogoča mobilno digitalno podpisovanje uporabnikom sistema za upravljanje dokumentov in procesov ODOS podjetja PIA d.o.o.
Če ste bili na to stran preusmerjeni iz ODOS-a je to zato, ker ste poskusili na vaši Android napravi odobriti zadevo, a še nimate nameščene Odosign aplikacije. Namestite Odosign, vanj še prenesite vaš certifikat in se vrnite v ODOS kjer boste sedaj lahko nadaljevali z odobritvijo zadeve.
Ključne besede: ODOS, dokumentni sistem, PIA ODOS Odosign application enables mobile users to digitally sign a document management system and processes ODOS company PIA Ltd.
If you've been redirected to this page from ODOS-but that's because you've tried on your Android device approved by the matter, but have not installed Odosign applications. Install Odosign, it still download your certificate and return to the ODOS where you are now able to proceed with the approval of the matter.
Keywords: ODOS, document management system, PIA ODOS