About Kembalinya Sherlock Holmes
Kembalinya Sherlock Holmes merupakan kumpulan cerita pendek tentang detektif fiksi Sherlock Holmes dalam dunia penyelidikan yang terbit secara berseri antara tahun 1903 hingga 1904 karangan Arthur Conan Doyle.
Sherlock Holmes telah tiada, tewas dalam duel maut di Air Terjun Reichenbach. Semua terkelabuhi, semua mengira Holmes benar-benar sudah tiada, sampai Dr. Watson juga mengira dia tewas. Tetapi Holmes kembali dan memecahkan misteri-misteri lainnya.
Buku ini adalah kumpulan cerita pertama dalam serial Holmes sejak tahun 1893, saat ia dinyatakan "tewas" dalam kasus Kisah Penutup di air terjun Reichenbach, Swiss.
Kasus pertama dalam buku mengambil latar waktu tahun 1894, setahun setelah ia jatuh ke jurang di air terjun Reichenbach. Selain itu, dalam buku ini Holmes juga menyatakan telah pensiun dan melarang Watson menulis tentang dirinya lagi, kecuali seizin Holmes.
Untuk anda yang menyukai cerita detektif, khususnya penggemar Sherlock Holmes, slamat menikmati. :)
*Lebih enak dibaca posisi miring
Isi Buku :
1. Petualangan di Rumah Kosong
2. Kontraktor dari Norwood
3. Gambar Orang Menari
4. Gadis Pengendara Sepeda
5. Peristiwa di Sekolah Priory
6. Peter si Hitam
7. Charles Augustus Milverton
8. Petualangan Keenam Napoleon
9. Petualangan Tiga Mahasiswa
10. Kacamata Berwarna Keemasan
11. Pemain Belakang yang Hilang
12. Petualangan di Abbey Grange
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This is an unofficial fan app. Any content not owned by the developer belongs to their respective owners. If you would like to request removal of image, Video, and any content for copyright reasons, feel free to contact us The Return of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of short stories about the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes in the World investigation, published serially between 1903 to 1904 written by Arthur Conan Doyle.
Sherlock Holmes was dead, killed in a duel of death at Reichenbach Falls. All were fooled, everyone thought Holmes really was dead, until Dr. Watson also thought he was dead. But Holmes back and solve other mysteries.
This book is the first collection of stories in the Holmes series since 1893, when he was declared "dead" in the case of Cover Story in the Reichenbach Falls, Switzerland.
The first case in the book are set in a time in 1894, a year after he fell into a ravine at the Reichenbach Falls. In addition, this book also states Holmes has retired and the forbids Watson wrote about him again, except with permission from Holmes.
For those of you who like a detective story, especially fans of Sherlock Holmes, slamat enjoy. :)
* More readable tilted position
Book Contents:
1. Adventure in Empty House
2. Contractor of Norwood
3. Pictures of People Dancing
4. Girl Cyclists
5. Events at Priory School
6. Black Peter
7. Charles Augustus Milverton
8. Napoleon Sixth Adventure
9. The Adventures of Three Students
10. Golden Colored Glasses
11. Rear Players Lost
12. Adventure at the Abbey Grange
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This is an unofficial fan app. Any content not owned by the developer belongs to Reviews their respective owners. If you would like to request removal of an image, video, and any content for copyright s good, feel free to contact us
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