About 白陽修士的警惕
受命登堂會善賢 勸君莫念凡塵緣
你心一動吾知曉 考倒白陽人鬼仙
榮華富貴世人戀 美妾嬌妻前世冤
你若不堅心意動 阿修羅掌難周全
洩露考道事,今宵適逢著造佳期,余阿修羅魔神 受聘到堂參贊一章,甚感榮幸,余奉 ⊙命名恩旨掌理阿修羅魔兵千萬,專以修道士為對象,修道士心志一動,修羅魔即入,絕對不留人情。故云:修道若無魔無考,善惡盡成佛。知之者抱定心志,待吾一考,便知是佛是鬼?今逢末會,人心澆漓,世風日下,走向險惡之中,社會紛亂難治之期。觀今修道者誠心不專,喪失五倫八德,又得道謗道,又吾領導阿修羅兵,借假亂真,以考白陽修士成果證佛之心。若受吾考得過,成仙成佛!考不過,成天獄鬼,或關天牢。若得道修身之士,若違誓願,謗正道入邪道,背道悖理;又變本加厲者,終被吾打入魔陣,被魔鬼吞腹滅靈,永不轉人生。又經不起吾阿修羅之考驗,心志不堅,一考則退,枉費三生之幸而得道,即前功盡廢,天簿除名。按所犯之輕重,送進地獄或天牢辦理。
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Leak test of Taoism, made the wedding day coincides with tonight, I Asura devil counselor employed by the Church to a chapter, I am truly honored to be in charge of more than Bong ⊙ Enzhi named Asura magic soldiers of millions, specifically targeted to the monks, monks mind a move , namely the Shura magic, absolutely not stay human. Gu Yun: If there is no magic monasticism without examination, to do good and evil Buddha. Those who know clung to mind until I a test, knowing a Buddha is a ghost? Every end of this meeting, people poured Li River World Wind Kusakabe, to the sinister among the chaos of social intractable. View this ascetics not sincere specifically, the loss of five relationships Pate, enlightenment and slander, and made also my leadership Asura soldiers, by false spurious, to test heart white male monk achievement certificate Buddha. Ruoshouwukao too, immortal Buddha! Test, however, all day prison ghost, or close the prison. If the self-enlightenment of disabilities, if violated vows, slander right way into evil ways, apostate paradox; and intensified who eventually I break into the magic circle, the spirit of the devil swallow belly off, never turn life. But I can not stand the test of the Asura, mind is not firm, a test is back, wasting fortunately Sansei enlightenment, namely undo all our efforts, the day the book removed. According to the severity of the committed, to hell, or go through the prison.
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