Vegan Recipes for Android
Nowadays we can find many substitute foods for meat and other animal derivatives. There are plenty of vegan recipes for all tastes, even non-vegan people can share and enjoy with this type of elaborations. Of course these recipes are equally valid as vegetarian diet.
Becoming a vegetarian does not mean leaving behind flavors or all kinds of elaborations. This application includes more than 100 dishes filtered by categories or food groups: Rice, drinks, vegetable meats, creams and pâtés, sweets and pastries and pasta.
What could you find in vegan recipes application?
★ Navigate through more than 100 vegan recipes.
★ Create your own favorite recipe list.
★ Recipes classified into categories to facilitate the search for main ingredients.
★ Share recipes with your family and friends!
★ Mark ingredients during recipe preparation.
★ High definition images.
★ Periodic updates and new recipes.
★ Valid for vegetarian diets and healthy lifestyle.