About 隨身佛經 加强版
隨身佛經 乃是 「随身佛經」的加强版。它为您提供一系列普遍世界各地佛教徒所常用的佛经。
- 大悲咒 (简体版)
- 佛说阿弥陀经
- 佛说无量寿经
- 大佛顶首楞严经
- 佛说四十二章经
- 佛说观无量寿经
- 文殊师利发愿经
- 般若波罗蜜多心经
- 大势至菩萨念佛圆通章
- 药师琉璃光如来本愿功德经
- 大方广佛华严经·普贤行愿品
- 妙法莲华经观世音菩萨普门品
由于各宗派的仪轨有所不相同, 随身佛经的经文是不加入仪轨的。
愿以此功德,回向法界一切众生,闻法得度,离苦得乐,往生净土。 But carry Sutra "carry Sutra" enhanced version. It provides you with a series of universal Buddhist sutras commonly used around the world.
- Compassion (English Edition)
- Buddha Amitabha Sutra
- Buddha Manuscripts
- Large Foding first sutra
- Sutra of Forty-two Chapters
- Buddha View Wuliangshoujing
- Manjushri vow by
- Heart Sutra
- Other Bodhisattvas Buddha tact chapter
- Pharmacists glass light Tathagata Honganji merit by
- Generous Guangfo Sutra · Fugen vows goods
- Lotus Sutra Bodhisattva Universal Door
As a result of sectarian rituals vary somewhat, portable Buddhist scriptures is not to join rituals.
If you find typos in the text or enhance the portable Buddhist suggestions, please e-mail notification. To ensure that the text is not a typo, players will automatically connect to the Internet to download Buddhist sutras.
Would like to take this merit, back to the Dharma Realm all sentient beings, have to smell law degree from suffering music, reborn in the Pure Land.
by C####: