About Visit Mechelen
Step into the magnificent past of the city of Mechelen. With over 300 listed buildings and five
UNESCO World Heritage sites the former capital of the Burgundian Netherlands is like a
large storehouse of treasures. This app contains the best of the image database of the
municipal archives. Admire the gigantic St. Rumbold’s Tower, the historic buildings and the
River Dijle, which winds its way through the city. Take a classic tour or go where the wind
takes you. You will receive additional information about several of the more striking sites. All
the practical information is listed on the general map.
Download and install
Visit Mechelen version 2.2.6 on your
Android device!
Downloaded 1,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package:
seven.client.mechelen.android, download Visit Mechelen.apk
by F####:
Aangeraden wordt de map- en routegegevens vooraf via Wifi te downloaden. Dat gedaan, maar ter plaatse blijkt de app bij restart te crashen. Op te lossen door clear cache+data, en opnieuw alles downloaden (dus alsnog via mobiel netwerk...). Als zich dit bij de 2e plek al zes maal heeft herhaald, is de lol er wel snel af (Samsung S5 Kitkat).