About Friskolan Kronobergshed
Välkomna till Friskolan Kronobergshed som ligger ute i skogen med naturen som skolgård, där alla känner alla på vår skola, vuxna och barn, vilket gör att vi har en enorm koll på de viktigaste hos oss - våra barn och elever.
I appen finner du bla nyheter, schema, klass information, sjukanmälan, matsedel, kontakt information mm.
Har du åsikter om appen så kontakta skolan. Welcome to Friskolan Kronobergshed located in the woods with nature as the school yard, where everyone knows everyone at our school, adults and children, which means that we have a tremendous track of the most important for us - our children and students.
In the app, you will find blah news, schedule, class information, reporting sick, bill of fare, contact information and more.
Do you have opinions about the app, please contact the school.