About Seedguide
Seedguide by Scandinavian Seed AB
Seedguide is Scandinavian Seed´s database, where you can find information about our varieties, characteristics and yield. A guide where you easily can compare our varieties, traits and its diseases. Seedguide is a tool which is constantly updated. The information comes from the official trials www.slu.se/faltforsk.
Our focus at Scandinavian Seed AB is to work with seeds and plant breeders from all over the world and the aim is to:
-Cooperate with the best breeders
-The best total economy for the farmer
-The main agricultural crops
-Cooperation with the industry
-Well conducted trials before marketing
-To improve the competitiveness of the Swedish agriculture
Our goal is simple: to choose the best European varieties to suit Swedish growing conditions and then market them on the Swedish market.